International Transit at Munich Airport

If you need to transit between terminal 1 & terminal 2 in Munich airport (international transit from Manchester to Muscat), do you need to go out the immigration area (passport control)? If so, do you need a Schengen visa for transit between the terminals?

79.4k 16 16 gold badges 161 161 silver badges 345 345 bronze badges asked Oct 3, 2017 at 3:16 Mahendra Wickramatilake Mahendra Wickramatilake 51 2 2 bronze badges We'd need to know your country of citizenship to know whether you'd need a visa at all. Commented Oct 3, 2017 at 4:23 Possible duplicate of Do I need a visa to transit (or layover) in the Schengen area? Commented Oct 3, 2017 at 7:09

@JacobHorbulyk Not a dupe, as the linked Q says it depends on whether you need to enter Schengen. This Q specifically asks whether OP does need to enter Schengen

Commented Oct 3, 2017 at 8:43

2 Answers 2

As Henning Makholm says, there is a transfer bus between the terminals. One half of the bus is for passengers in the Schengen sector, the other half for passengers in the non-Schengen sector. The halves are blocked off from each other by a glass wall, and at each stop (which is located either in the Schengen or non-Schengen sector), only the doors in the "correct" half of the bus will open.

So you don't need to enter Germany, and, unless holding a nationality requiring an airport transit visa, you don't need a visa.

This is provided the trip is in a single booking. With separate bookings, if you have checked luggage you need to enter Germany to collect it, and thus need a short-stay (type C) Schengen visa. And even with only hand luggage, ground staff in the UK will usually treat Germany as your final destination, and deny you boarding without a short-stay Schengen visa.