Degrees and Majors
Highline College offers many options for degree and certificate programs. View the full list of Highline College’s degree programs.
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Students can study at Highline for 3 months up to 2 years, or longer.
- Short-term certificates—completed in 3 months
- 1-year (3 quarters) certificates and programs
- 2-year (6 quarters) programs, including:
- Associate of Arts (AA)
- Associate of Science (AS)
- Associate of Applied Science (AAS)
- Many 2-year programs provide opportunities to transfer to a 4-year university
Degree Pathways and Majors
Highline College’s Degree Pathways make it easier for you to find a career or program that matches your interests and skills — and provides a path to your degree and career. You can choose from more than 100 degrees and certificates within our pathways.
Here is a sample of programs and course subjects that are popular with international students.
- Art, Design, Communication and Foreign Languages
- Business
- Computer Science
- Economics
- Education
- Hospitality and Tourism Management
- Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
- Social Sciences and International Relations
- Nursing
- Pre-Medicine, Pre-Dental and Pre-Law
Four-year Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) programs
Highline offers seven Bachelor Degree programs that you can complete within 4 years—all on campus at Highline College.
- Cybersecurity and Forensics
- Respiratory Care
- Applied Management
- Youth Development
- Early Childhood Education
- Elementary Education
- Integrated Design