Printouts of Billboards Permitted by FDOT

The Florida Department of Transportation maintains a database of all billboards located along the federal interstate and federal-aid primary highway systems. Printouts of selected information (by county, by highway, by billboard company, etc.) is available from FDOT in Tallahassee. The date of construction, whether the billboard is conforming or nonconforming, the nature of the nonconformity (zoning, spacing, height, size, lighting, etc.), the distance from the right-of-way, the billboard permit number, and other information is available. Note: The database is based on a permitted face in one direction. For example, a double-sided billboard structure along a highway that runs north to south will have two permits, one for the north side and one for the south side. If the north face consists of two faces, there will still be only one permit for the north side of the structure.

To have a complete inventory of a given geographic area, it will ordinarily be necessary to supplement the information from FDOT with a survey of billboards along non-FAP roadways. This task may be easier if local authorities (counties and/or cities) have an inventory of all billboards in their jurisdiction which can be cross-referenced.